Typhoid Vaccination
Typhoid fever is caused by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi. It is a highly contagious and potentially lethal disease, which spreads via contaminated foods and water. As typhoid bacteria are primarily found in faeces, the infection is particularly common in regions with poor sanitation. Typical symptoms include a high temperature, headaches, nausea, muscle pain, digestion problems such as constipation or diarrhoea, tiredness, and confusion.
There are two different typhoid vaccines available in the UK. One is administered orally, the other consists of a single-dose intramuscular injection. The oral vaccine consists of three capsules, which need to be taken on alternate days. This type of vaccine is not suitable for people with a weak immune system and is not recommended for children.
The price quoted is for your consultation and for one injection or three capsules (both of these provide a full course of treatment) and is effective for three years.