Pembroke Castle Pharmacy, 15 Main Street, Pembroke, SA71 4JS

Meningococcal (Meningitis) (ACWY) Vaccination

There are several types of meningitis which can affect travellers, including meningitis A, C, W, and Y. They are all types of meningococcal meningitis and are caused by bacteria. Compared to viral meningitis, bacterial meningitis is very dangerous and causes inflammation of the meningeal tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Around 10% of meningitis patients can die of the infection, even with treatment.

The symptoms vary from person to person but usually the infection involves a severe headache, a high temperature and vomiting. Some patients also suffer from a stiff neck, are unusually sensitive to light and feel exhausted. The most typical symptom of meningitis is a skin rash, which occurs in many but not all cases.

The meningitis ACWY vaccine provides protection against all four meningitis types included in its name. It is particularly suitable for travellers who could be at risk of contracting one of these.

If you are planning to travel abroad, you need to check whether you will be entering a meningococcal meningitis risk area. It is particularly prominent in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, an area sometimes referred to as the “meningitis belt”. Here, meningitis A is the most frequent cause of the illness, but there have been recent outbreaks of W, X and C.

The meningitis vaccine consists of one single dose, which is administered by injection. You should arrange an appointment with your pharmacist at least two to three weeks before the date of your departure.

It is recommended that students attending university for the first time, receive a single dose of Meningitis ACWY. There is currently a routine NHS vaccine programme for all children in year 9.

No boosters are currently required except for certificate purposes. Some countries, for example Saudi Arabia, demand that you provide a meningitis ACWY certificate prior to entering.

Please note that this does NOT protect you from meningitis B.

The price you will be quoted is for your consultation and one dose of vaccine – you only need one dose.

Price (per person) £60
Duration (minutes) 15
Pembroke Castle Pharmacy